The TARDIS console is the main control unit of the TARDIS, which can be interacted with by a player or another entity. The TARDIS should always be piloted by 6 fully-trained TARDIS pilots as to allow for a smooth journey. You might notice that it emits a nice ambiance,dont let that distract you though.
Out-of-universe, the console is a collection of Control Entities which are located around the console block that do different functions.
How do I create a console?
To create a console, craft a Console Generator. You are provided with one Console Generator when you configure a new desktop. Using a Console Generator is the only way to create a console.
Here is the crafting recipe for a Console Generator:
Place the Console Generator in the TARDIS interior to select any of the unlocked consoles that exist.
To use the Console Generator, follow this easy guide:
- Right-click on the Console Generator to change the type of console.
- Right-click while crouching on the Console Generator to change the variant.
- Confirm the console by using Sonic Screwdriver or blaze powder.
How do I use a TARDIS Console?
If you’re having a hard time finding the controls, you can use the Scanning Mode of a Sonic Screwdriver. Alternatively, you’re able to turn on debugging mode for viewing entity hitboxes, using F3+B which will toggle the debug hitbox mode.
Right or left click on any of the controls to activate them. Certain controls - like the throttle - need you to crouch to increment them fully up or fully down but will do normal increments while freestanding.
The Increment Control is a special control, however; it goes from 1-10-100-1000, and you can also left-click to decrease down instead of increasing up the scale.
The Coordinate System (X, Y and Z) require you to right-click to decrease the increment from the current position and require you to left-click to increase the increment from the current position.
The Dimension Control will change the destination dimension from one dimension to another. Right-click the control to change the dimension.
The Exterior Facing Control will change which direction exterior faces next time you land ranging from North, East, South and West. Right-click the control to change the facing clockwise.
The Fast Return Control will set the destination coordinates to the last location the TARDIS landed. Right-click the Fast Return control to activate fast return, click it again to set the destination to your current location.
The Protocol Controls are explained in this webpage.
The Anti-Gravity Control will make the TARDIS exterior immune to falling, but uses Artron Energy while activating.
The Waypoint Controls are better explained in this webpage.
The Power Control switches the TARDIS engines off and turns the power off, rendering most of the console non-functional. If activated while other controls are activated it will disable those controls.
The Alarm Control switches the TARDIS alarms to active / inactive.
The Door Control opens the TARDIS exterior doors when right-clicked.
The Door Lock locks the TARDIS exterior doors, rendering them inoperable until unlocked either using a TARDIS key, using the door lock control once again or (if the power is off) using an axe on the exterior doors.
The Monitor Control is explained more in this webpage.
The Refuel Control requires the handbrake to be engaged. The refuel control will take in Artron Energy slowly when not in a Rift Chunk, if it is in a rift chunk then it increases refuel speed.
The Land Type Control sets the TARDIS to try and land on the surface while enabled or land at the specific destination coordinates while disabled.
The Randomiser Control does exactly what is says on the tin. This control randomises the destination coordinates depending on how high the increment control is set.
The Shield Control has 2 functional modes, being visible shields and invisible shields, find more information in the mechanics section.
The Telepathic circuits have 3 functions,the first one is locating the closest sturcture, the second one is if you have a nether star and you use it on them it’ll initiate self destruction, the last one is (if in siege mode) using the brick item, observer block, and quartz block it will change how the siege exterior looks.