Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is there a channel with all of the community addons?

A: There’s a semi-official discord server, AIT Addons

Q: How do I make a mod addon?

A: If you want to make a mod addon, refer to this article.

Q: How do I make a datapack addon?

A: If you want to make a datapack addon, refer to this article.

Q: What do I choose: datapack or mod for making an addon for AIT?

A: Depends. If you just want to add interiors, desktops, exterior and console variants, custom tardis names and etc then you’re free to choose “datapack” as your option. Otherwise, making a mod is recommended. And yes, you can use a datapack inside a mod.

Q: I changed my interior and now I can’t turn the power on!

A: You need to set up the engine.

Q: Windows don’t glow! (without Iris)

A: Make sure you have power on. If you use Iris or any of its derivatives then make sure you’re using 1.0.5+ of AIT, or 1.0.6+ if you’re on Forge.

Q: The toyota console is all black!

A: Make sure you have power on. If you use Iris or any of its derivatives then make sure you’re using 1.0.5+ of AIT, or 1.0.6+ if you’re on Forge.

Q: The rendering is buggy with shaders!

A: The recommended combination is Iris 1.6.17 and Sodium 0.5.8. Here’s a list of tested shaders:

BSLNobleRethinking Voxels
ComplementarySoft Voxels Lite
Lux v1Miniature
Super Duper Vanilla
Bliss (latest)

Q: How do I become a beta tester?

A: Beta testers? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Q: Where can I download the mod?

A: Here.

Q: Can I get my [something] added?

A: No, end of discussion. If we feel like it fits, we will contact you directly.

How do I get beta builds?

A: Donators, beta testers, team members and some addon developers get access to beta builds. To become a donator you can support Loqor here.

Q: What perks do donators get?


  • Access to dev builds.
  • Special teasers.
  • Opportunity to test experimental dev builds on a server.
  • Access to other donator only channels including special priority suggestions.

Q: I got unfairly banned/I want to appeal my ban on the Discord/MC server!

A: Talk with people who have the mod council role.

Q: AIT is boring where can I find out/install AIT Addons

A: There’s a Discord Server: and if you want your addon to be in the discord DM teeho (Dr. Theo).