This page contains information about
- Artron Fluid Link
- Data Fluid Link
- Vortex Fluid Link
- Artron Mercurial Link
- Data Mercurial Link
- Vortex Mercurial Link
- Condenser
- Manipulator
- Bulb
- Inductor
- Dematerialization Circuit
- Sheilds Circuit
- Backup Circuit
- Gravitational Circuit
- Chamelion Circuit
- Desperation Circuit
- Stabilisers
- Life Support
What are these things?
These are the new resources that are used to craft things via the fabricator n blueprints.
- All the fluid/mercurial links are made via the fabricator as they have blueprints
- The rest have their own crafting recopies.
Here are the recepies of the non blueprint items
These new subsystems/circuits are needed to activate and or use certain functions of the TARDIS,they’ll need power.
How do i use them?
You use them by right clicking a generalized subsystem core to set its type,then build a structure if it has one and then link it up to the engine via fluid links
How do i make them?
Blueprints and the fabricator!
What circuits are there and what do they do?
Demat circuit,needed to demateralize and remateralize.
Backup circuit,transfers artron to the TARDIS once it runs out of power.
Chameleon circuit,needed to switch exteriors,cloak and use the adaptive exterior.
Desperation circuit,allows the usage of siege mode/protocols.
Gravitational circuit,unlocks anti-mavs and RWF
Life support,gives constant regeneration within the TARDIS.
Stabalisers,unlocks P116 (auto-pilot)
Shield circuit,unlocks both shield types