Sonic Screwdriver

Sonic Screwdriver

Mechanical Sonic Screwdriver

The Sonic Screwdriver is a handheld device used for various tasks, these tasks range from seeing what the console do, to blowing up TNT.

To link a Sonic Screwdriver to a TARDIS Console right-click on the Sonic Port whilst holding the Sonic Screwdriver. It should of now have gone into the Sonic Port and have linked to the TARDIS, to remove it punch the Sonic Screwdriver in the Sonic Port, and it will eject from the Console. Sonic in Sonic Port

To charge a Sonic Screwdriver insert it into a TARDIS Console. Like you would for linking it then the Sonic Screwdriver should start charging (keep in mind the Sonic Screwdriver uses the Artron Energy to charge).

After when you have done charging your Sonic Screwdriver punch the Sonic Screwdriver and it will come out of the Sonic Port.


Made with the Sonic Screwdrive Blueprint!

Sonic Modes

The sonic has 5 modes, those being:

  • Inactive (Powered Off)
  • Interaction
  • Overload
  • Scanning

Inactive Mode

Inactive mode renders the Sonic Screwdriver unusable, this will be used as a form of power saving mode for the Sonic Screwdriver.

Interaction Mode

Interaction mode allows the Sonic Screwdriver to ignite candles, campfires and unlit torches. It can also change repeaters delay and mode.

Overload Mode

Overload mode allows the Sonic Screwdriver to ignite TNT and toggle redstone lamps! It can also shatter glass blocks.

Scanning Mode

Scanning mode allows the Sonic Screwdriver to tell you what console controls are by hovering over the Control Entities and will show you the controls hitboxes. It will also confirm if you are located inside a Rift Chunk and how much Artron Energy is stored in that chunk. In addition,hovering over a generalized subsystem core will tell you the durability of the subsystem that it holds if the circuit has durability. You can also scan blocks and entities for info such as; health, required mining tool, and blast resistance.


TARDIS mode allows the Sonic Screwdriver to set the destination of the TARDIS wherever you right-click, as long as it’s available to land, and deactivates the handbrake. If you are within 256 blocks of the TARDIS exterior, the TARDIS will be summoned to the location of choice,however you do need the “PILOT” rank (loyalty),in addition looking up in the interior and using the sonic triggers demat and looking down activates the handbrake and refuels the TARDIS.

Sonic Settings & Configuration

By default, you receive the “Prime” when crafting it or by getting it from the creative menu but there is a way to modify the Sonic Screwdriver casing, check it’s power, see what TARDIS it’s linked to and what casing it has.

Sonic Settings Menu

To change the sonic casing, right-click on the Sonic Port whilst holding the Sonic Screwdriver, then when it’s in, go to the Monitor and click on Settings and click onto Sonic Settings now you will be able to view the Sonic Screwdriver’s data but also the buttons for switching TARDIS Interiors & Exteriors.

Pressing though them should allow you to change your Sonic Screwdriver to handfull of different cases (more can be added with datapacks), clicking the button underneath the Sonic Screwdriver display should set it to that casing then punching the Sonic Port and it should give you back the Sonic Screwdriver.

Sonic Casings

Sonic TARDIS Repair

After crashing your TARDIS, repairing it would take a while but there is an alternative to speed up the repair process and to do this hold your Sonic Screwdriver (in any mode you want it to be) and right click the TARDIS Exterior.

The Sonic Screwdriver should be inserted into the “keyhole” and start speeding up the TARDIS repair (usually the sped up repair process should take around 25 seconds) just like the the (Doctor WHO 60th 2nd Special Episode: Wild Blue Yonder).

If you right click the TARDIS Exterior when its repairing the Sonic Screwdriver will tell you how many seconds there is till the TARDIS repair has finished (This will not destroy your existing interior and replace it with a new one).

Once the repair has finished the Sonic Screwdriver should pop out of the TARDIS Exterior (if not just shift+right-click and it will pop out) and the TARDIS is repaired for you to use again.

TARDIS Repairing with Sonic Screwdriver

Other Info

If you don’t know what block can be interacted with a Sonic Screwdriver, make sure you have the Sonic Screwdriver in your hand and if you face a block (that can be interacted with a sonic then the crosshair should look a bit like the Sonic Screwdriver).

Some blocks would need to be interacted in the Interaction Mode or the Overdrive Mode. The sonic can be used to cancel out engine phasing aswell

Sonic Screwdriver Crosshair

Once the Sonic Screwdriver runs out of charge it will be stuck on Inactive Mode till you have charged your Sonic Screwdriver in the Sonic Port!

Also if you put the Sonic Screwdriver (in Scanning Mode) in the Sonic Port then it would allow you to view which buttons need to be pressed for you to fly without crashing (Flight Events).

In addition if you look up the sonics pitch increases and if you look down the pitch decreases.