Rift Chunks

Rift Chunks

This article will be split into sub-articles for each given block or item.

What is a Rift Chunk?

A rift chunk is a tear in spacetime that can be found in any dimension. it’s used to grow the TARDIS Coral or siphoned for Artron Energy that the TARDIS uses for fuel. You can fly the TARDIS into a rift chunk to syphen fuel more efficiently (faster) or as an alternative, you can use an Artron Collector to collect Artron Energy while outside the TARDIS.

How do I find a Rift Chunk?

To locate a rift chunk, you will need to craft a Rift Scanner with the recipe below:

Rift Scanner Recipe

The Rift Scanner is a hand-held device that acts very similarly to a compass, but instead homes in on Rift Chunks. To locate a Rift Chunk using this device, simply right-click the rift scanner in your hand and follow the dial to you destination.

The device will point to the centre of the Rift Chunk, when you are at the centre it will spin frantically.

Cracks In Time!

Rift Scanner Recipe

These can spawn in rift chunks,if you right click on them they have a chance of either; dropping a Coral Fragment, Paper, or placing some Coral Blocks around its area. You can also recharge the sonic if you hold it and Right Click the Rift.